Trumpets, Flugelhorn and Arranger
A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Chris Wilhite grew up in Fremont and began the trumpet at age 11. At U.C. Santa Barbara he studied trumpet with Grant Hungerford and composition with Joel Feigin. Comfortable in all genres, he is an active free-lance player in the Bay Area playing with orchestras, bands, big bands, opera and musical theaters, chamber and choral groups, and churches.
Chris is principal trumpet of Symphony Parnassus and Hayward Municipal Band, and a member of the San Francisco Wind Ensemble. He can often be found subbing in many ensembles including West Bay Opera, Santa Cruz and Stockton Symphonies, Pacific Chamber Orchestra, and Golden Gate Park Band. In addition to Brazzissimo, he is also a member of the San Francisco Brass Band, Halkins Brass Quintet, and Brassworks’ Gabriel’s Trumpets.
Aside from his musical activities, Chris enjoys photography, traveling, playing with his nieces and nephews, and volunteering at the San Francisco Maritime National Park.